Large Shipments - Strong Performance

We deliver enthusiasm

Every day, we strive to bring not just products, but exceptional delivery experiences to your customers – up to 25,000 times a day. We combine passion with expertise. The visible result: excellent customer reviews.


Ship CO2-Neutral

Environmental and climate protection have a long tradition with us. Reducing CO2 is one of our top priorities. By 2030, we aim to deliver to the largest cities and metropolitan areas in Germany with electric vehicles.

Ecological Responsibility

Experience since 1974

Our wide-ranging services enable us to meet the needs of both consumers and shippers. We provide full service to furniture and large-appliance manufacturers and retailers.

About us

Social Responsibility

We are aware of our social responsibility, which is deeply embedded in our corporate philosophy. Learn more about numerous initiatives and engagements at various levels – and our clear, ambitious goals to positively shape the future of our society.


Strong Competence in a Large Network

With over 8,000 employees at our headquarters, three logistics centers, and more than 50 widely distributed depots, as well as a powerful international partner network, we deliver to more than five million private households in Germany and neighboring countries annually.


Hermes Einrichtungs Service GmbH & Co.KG

Albert-Schweitzer-Straße 33
32584 Löhne