Across the industry, virtually all companies use conventional diesel-driven 3.5 tonne utility vehicles. Increasingly however, they are also testing alternative drive technologies, These include motorised delivery vehicles using electric or natural gas engines. On the other hand, parcels are also being delivered using pure muscle power by cargo bike. As a corporate group of companies, Hermes is looking to invest climate-friendly, low-emission/zero-emission technologies and alternative drives. Since 2017, we have been pooling such efforts for Hermes Germany in our Urban Blue programme.
A key approach to reducing emissions lies in optimising and modernising our fleet both in the final mile and on upstream line hauls.
Hermes has already been actively committed to using alternative drive systems since the early 1990s. As part of its pilot projects on electromobility, Hermes is currently deploying the following vehicles:
Overall, the framework conditions for the use of electric vehicles remain difficult – even in pilot operation. For example, there are hardly any passable production vehicles and there is also no adequate infrastructure at charging stations.
Hermes is currently testing the deployment of different electronic-powered vehicles with various partners both in the final mile and on line haul routes.