Our wide-ranging services enable us to meet the needs of both consumers and shippers. We provide full service to furniture and large-appliance manufacturers and retailers.
Good communication is vital to successful collaboration. We take the time to discuss your needs and develop solutions together with you personally. We also assist you in implementing measures to fulfil the particular logistics requirements of your day-to-day operations. And a reliable contact person is always ready to lend a hand.
Costs incurred from damage-related returns are an annoyance for both shippers and their customers. To minimise such returns, all of our sites employ highly trained upholstery- and carpentry-repair technicians, who, as the case requires, will carry out such repair work either on the customer’s premises or in the depot’s own workshop. Ordering and installing replacement parts, as well as carrying out damage assessments round out our services.
If the customer chooses to exercise his/her right to return merchandise, our returns service performs the following tasks by default:
We will also gladly provide you with further returns-related services.
Please let us know what additional assistance you require.