Oil is running out. Doing business sustainably is changing profit margins. And more and more older people are drawn to the cities. These are just three of many predictions which might have a direct impact on the transport sector The production systems of CEP operators are still relatively rigid; how can they adapt to rise successfully to new challenges? Experts Wolfgang Stölzle and Peter Wippermann discuss the future of logistics.
Professor Wolfgang Stölzle, born in 1962, has occupied the Chair in Logistics Management at the University of St. Gallen since 1962. He is Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board at the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Buildings and Urban Development and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Logistics Association (BVL).
Professor Peter Wippermann, born in 1949, founded “Trendbüro Hamburg”, a consultancy firm for social trends, together with Matthias Horx in 1992. Since 1993, he has been Professor for Editorial Design on the Communications Design course at the Folkwang University in Essen, Germany.

Professor Wolfgang Stölzle

Professor Peter Wippermann
Experts The future of logistics